Sunday 23 February 2014

LDAP Users in owc_discussions (Forums)

Posting this here so I don't lose it!

1. Open a terminal;
2. cd /u01/Middleware/user_projects/domains/wc_domain/config/fmwconfig/servers/WLS_Services/owc_discussions_11. Where /u01/MIddleware is my Oracle_HOME
3. backup archive: cp jive_startup.xml jive_startup.xml.bkp ;
4 . gedit jive_startup.xml
5. Find the text: "<setup>true</setup"
6. Change to: "<setup>false</setup>"
7. Open a Browser with: . <host>:<port_discussion>/owc_discussions
8. You'll see a setup screen, like this
9. Click continue;
10. In Database Setings screen, select JNDI Datasource and click next;
11. In JNDI Datasource Name put: jdbc/OWC_DiscussionsDS
12. Click next;
13. In Group and Authentication Systems screen select LDAP and next;
14. Fill the fields, like a example above:

LDAP Host:
LDAP Port: 3060
Base DN: cn=Users, dc=br,dc=oracle,dc=com
Admin DN: cn=orcladmin
Admin Password: welcome1
User Search Filter: (&(cn={0})(objectclass=person))
Group Search Filter: (&(cn={0})(objectclass=groupofUniqueNames))

15. Leave other fields default
16. In Other Settings screen, fill your email server or leave blank and click next;
17. Define administration user(e.g. orcladmin) and click next;
18. A message will appear: Jive Forums Setup Complete!
19. Restart WLS Services;
20. Login with your LDAP's user

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