Sunday, 23 February 2014

LDAP Users in owc_discussions (Forums)

Posting this here so I don't lose it!

1. Open a terminal;
2. cd /u01/Middleware/user_projects/domains/wc_domain/config/fmwconfig/servers/WLS_Services/owc_discussions_11. Where /u01/MIddleware is my Oracle_HOME
3. backup archive: cp jive_startup.xml jive_startup.xml.bkp ;
4 . gedit jive_startup.xml
5. Find the text: "<setup>true</setup"
6. Change to: "<setup>false</setup>"
7. Open a Browser with: . <host>:<port_discussion>/owc_discussions
8. You'll see a setup screen, like this
9. Click continue;
10. In Database Setings screen, select JNDI Datasource and click next;
11. In JNDI Datasource Name put: jdbc/OWC_DiscussionsDS
12. Click next;
13. In Group and Authentication Systems screen select LDAP and next;
14. Fill the fields, like a example above:

LDAP Host:
LDAP Port: 3060
Base DN: cn=Users, dc=br,dc=oracle,dc=com
Admin DN: cn=orcladmin
Admin Password: welcome1
User Search Filter: (&(cn={0})(objectclass=person))
Group Search Filter: (&(cn={0})(objectclass=groupofUniqueNames))

15. Leave other fields default
16. In Other Settings screen, fill your email server or leave blank and click next;
17. Define administration user(e.g. orcladmin) and click next;
18. A message will appear: Jive Forums Setup Complete!
19. Restart WLS Services;
20. Login with your LDAP's user

owc_discussions: "The service was not provisioned for this space." error

When enabling discussion on a space in WebCenter Spaces/Portals. If the current user does not have contributor level access or higher they will be thrown this error when they attempt to create or post threads.

In order to solve this elevate their level to Contributor under "Members" section of space settings.