Friday, 18 March 2016

Python Extracting 9 digit number from tomcat access log files into a unique set and printing to the screen

I had to extract all the 9 digit IDs that were used in a tomcat access log. Here is how I solved it with Python
import re
import os

from collections import Counter
# Compile the regular expressions \d{9} selects numbers that are 9 digits longs
p = re.compile('\d{9}', re.IGNORECASE)
output_file_name = 'output.csv'
# Initiate an array to store the students ids in
most_active = []
#for the files in this directory
for name in os.listdir("."):
    #if it starts with localhost_access_log & ends with a .txt extension
    if name.startswith("localhost_access_log") and name.endswith(".txt"):
        #read its contents
        with open(name, 'r') as myfile:
            print("Reading file: "+name)
  '\n', '')
            #Add the regex matches to the array
            most_active = most_active + re.findall(p, data)
# Count how many times a student id is repeated in the list
# This will tell us the most active students in the app
count = Counter(most_active)

# For each of the students, order them from most common to least
output_file = open(output_file_name,"w")
output_file.write("Student ID, Activity\n")
for student in count.most_common():
    line = str(student[0])+","+str(student[1])
print("File written successfully: "+output_file_name)
#Print out the total amount of students
print("Total Students:"+ str(len(count)))

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Missing iOS Distribution signing identity

After building and Archiving my App I was unable to Validate or Upload into the App Store due to missing iOS Distribution identity. 

After verifying that all credentials exist in the member center, restarting XCode and iOS the following post from stackoverflow fixed my issue

  1. Download
  2. Double-click to install to Keychain.
  3. Then in Keychain, Select View -> "Show Expired Certificates" in Keychain app.
  4. It will list all the expired certifcates.
  5. Delete "Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority certificates" from "login" tab
  6. And also delete it from "System" tab.